The Indonesian Update Volume VI No. 02 June 2011 (English)

After recently the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) experienced an internal confusion after former member yusuf Supendi revealed some of its alleged bad corrupt practices, now it is the Democratic Party’s turn to experience a political “earthquake” resulting from ethical problems and internal rivalry involving the treasurer of the party, M. Nazaruddin. This problem began with the M. Nazaruddin alleged involvement in the corruption case of the development of Sea games Athlete housing Complex in Palembang, South Sumatra.

It is apparent that the political earthquake within the Democratic Party is a continuation of the race to the party’s general chair position last year in Bandung. Many observers believe that these disputes have something to do with the hostility between the Andi Mallarangeng camp — during the congress was supported by SBy — and the Anas Urbaningrum camp.

The political earthquake in the Democratic Party shows the public that there is no political party in Indonesia that is free from corruption, bribery, and the other political intrigues. This will at least make the community and the sympathizers aware to always carry out supervision on the achievement and accountability of political parties in Indonesia. This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main topic on the Democratic Party’s political earthquake.

This Indonesian Update also discusses some important themes in political and social affairs. on politics, it talks about diagnosing the root cause of political corruption. on social affairs, it discusses the protections of migrant workers; savings program for the street children; and the growing number of international school. Another theme is the Female Face of ASEAN.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.

Happy reading!

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