The Indonesian Update — Volume VI No. 8 January 2012 (English Version)

One important concept used in tracking down the causes of maternal mortality is to look at this problem holistically, not linearly. (Moeloek, 2011). It means that not just the health history of the victims that is considered, but also health, environment, education, social conditions of the surrounding community, relevant government policies that are taken into consideration.

If explored further, the maternal mortality rate are influenced by two factors; namely, the direct and indirect causes. The direct causative factor is associated with the conditions or health of the mother itself. For this, IDHS 2008 stated that there were three main causes of the maternal mortality rate: bleeding (28%), eclampsia / convulsions during childbirth because of hypertension (24%), and infections (11%).

Also, the indirect causes could be traced. In this case, the indirect factor was that the victims could not access adequate service delivery. These places had difficulties in accessing services, as there were no roads and transportation infrastructure that allowed them to reach it (WRI, 2011). This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme about the chances of decreasing the maternal mortality rate.

The Indonesian Update also touches on some important topics from in the fields of economy, law, politics, and social affairs. On the economy, it talks about the long journey towards the national vehicle industry. On law, it discusses cases of children against the law and the Bill on Domestic Worker Protection. On politics, it talks about the House of Representatives’ performance. On social affairs, it raises a topic on the need to accelerate agrarian reform.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.


Happy reading!

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