The Indonesian Update — Volume VI No. 12 Mei 2012 (English Version)

May Day is celebrated internationally every year on May 1st by labors around the world. On the one hand, May Day is celebrated to commemorate the achievements of the labor movements.

On the other hand, it is also used as a way of conveying the issues of inequality of labors with the other types of labors. The end goal is to make May Day a momentum to advocate labor issues in a more massive and organized way.

One thing that still becomes a major problem among labors today is the issue of discrimination against female labors. Female labors face double risks, with all their vulnerability as labors and as women.

The Article 6 of Law No. 13 year 2003 on Employment regulates the prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation against female and male labors.

Although there are such regulations, most companies still do not pay attention to the specific issues experienced by formal female labor. This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme on the vulnerability and social capital of female labors.

This edition of the Indonesian Update also raises some important topics in the fields of economy, law, and politics. On the economy, it discusses the plan to restrict the use of subsidized fuel. On legal affairs, it talks about the Inafis policy and the ratification of the 1550 Convention on Migrant Workers. On politics, it talks about the Golkar Party’s Special National Leadership Meeting.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.

Happy reading!

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