The April 2023 edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main report on the Consumer Protection Law in enforcing digital economy law. The low reach of the Consumer Protection Act (UUPK) over the development of the digital economy is a problem in enforcing the existing digital economy laws. Therefore, the revision of the UUPK with digital characteristics is a necessity that must be realized.
In the economic field, the Indonesian Update reviews the opportunities for the electric vehicle industry and identifies several parties who benefit from the subsidies for the purchase of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB). Next, we discuss the ASEAN Chairmanship 2023 having a Working Group (Pokja) on Taxation. The Working Group aims to increase tax cooperation between ASEAN member countries in order to create a strong regional economy. In the regional discussion, Indonesia needs to take the initiative to encourage joint efforts to create a fair regional tax system.
In the political field, the Indonesian Update examines the preparations of political parties for the registration of legislative candidates for the 2024 elections. Next, we discuss the cases of money politics in Indonesia, which are caused by two important things; namely, the lack of understanding regarding the definition of money politics and the existence regulatory loophole. In addition, in the political field, we also discuss the appointment of the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) in the Indonesia Onward Cabinet for the 2019-2024 period, Dito Ariotedjo.
In the social field, the Indonesian Update reviews the ratification of the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (PPRT) and the impact of the policy. The ratification of the Domestic Workers Bill is a common interest, given the increasing number of cases of violence against domestic workers. The presence of the Domestic Workers Law will provide legal certainty regarding the status of domestic workers and their rights as part of civil society. Next, we discuss the measuring of indications of child-friendly cities.
It is hoped that the monthly publication of the Indonesian Update with current themes will help policy makers in government and business institutions – as well as academics, think tanks and elements of civil society, both domestic and foreign, to obtain actual information and contextual analysis on economic conditions. political, social, and legal in Indonesia, as well as an understanding of public policy in Indonesia.
Happy reading.