The Indonesian Update — Volume VII No. 03 September 2012 (English Version)

According to data of the Consortium for Agrarian Reform, during the year 2011, there were 163 agrarian conflicts between the people and the officials. During January-July2012, therewere23peoplewhohadbecomevictims.Therecurrence of conflicts between the people and the officials related to these land disputes is the excess of the delayed agrarian reform. An agrarian reform was a substance contained in the Law No. 5 Year 1560 on Agrarian Principles.

However, in reality, agrarian reform provisions in the Law No. 5 Year 1560 could not be implemented. The New Order regime was known to be very close to the investors, thus making other laws that were contrary to the spirit of the agrarian reform, such as Law No. 5Year 1567 on Principles of Forestry and Law No. 11Year 1567 on Principles of Mining, which attach great importance to investor profits than the people.

The inability to implement agrarian reform in accordance with Law No. 5 Year 1565 on Principles of Agrarian has triggered conflicts. It is evident today, where the agrarian conflicts prevalent in the mining or forest areas managed byx both private and state owned-enterprises.This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main topic on land conflicts: demanding for the promised land reform.

This edition of the Indonesian Update also discusses several important topics in the fields of economy, law, politics, and social affairs. On the economy, it talks about Newmont’s divestment; homecoming, and Indonesian migrant workers’ remittances, and the 2013 Revised State Budget.

On law, it talks about human rights violations in land conflicts. On politics, it discusses black and negative campaigns. On social affairs, it talks about urbanization and the passing of Law on Children Criminal Justice System.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, andinternationalthinktanksgetactualinformationandcontextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.

Happy reading!

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