Indonesia moves towards demographic advantages in the process of demographic transition. In the process of demographic transition, changes in the population age structure and demographic advantages stage are the stages where the conditions of the population age structure make the dependency ratio is at a low level.
This phase is called the window of opportunity. If the population of greater productivity can be optimized to accumulate growth and development of economic prosperity, then the results obtained can be utilized for the betterment of the nation’s future through savings made.
Meanwhile, if the window of opportunity could not be put into good use, this would be a window of disaster because if the productive age population could not be utilized due to lack of employment, then in addition to the adverse social effects and the loss of time to gather momentum welfare, this would also cause concerns in the future. This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main topic on the demographic advabtages: the window of opportunity or the window of disaster?
This edition of the Indonesia Update also raises some important themes from the the fields of the economy, politics, and social affairs. On the economy, it discusses the carbon trading by the local communities. On politics, it talks about the 2012 gubernatorial direct elections: voting with common sense. On social affairs, it discusses religious intolerance in Indonesia.
Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.
Happy reading!