The Constitutional Court (MK) made a decision that shocked the public. Through Decision Number 36/PUU-IX/2012 thatreviewedtheconstitutionality of Law Number 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Law) against the Constitution of 1545, the Court granted partially the petition filed by the petitioners.
The decision was accompanied by dissenting opinion of one judge. The court ruled that the existence BP Migas is unconstitutional.This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme on the unconstituionality of BP Migas in the ruling of the Constitutional Court.
This edition of the Indonesian Update also raises a number of important topics in the fields of economy, law, politics, and social. On the economy, it discusses the chaotic fuel and beef scarcities. On legal affairs, it talks about the scope of the state’s receivables and the BPK audit on the Hambalang case. On politics, it discusses the alternative presidential candidate research. On social affairs, it talks about Aw on the Protection of Domestic Workers and about the gender mainstreaming in disaster risk mitigation.
The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.
Happy reading!