The Indonesian Update — Volume VI No. 11 April 2012 (English Version)

Indonesia’s geographical conditions, with 3032 kilometer long land border areas, 50 outermost small islands, land border areas with Malaysia, Timor Leste, and Papua New guinea, and sea borders with Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, India, Philippines, Timor Leste, Republic of Palau, Papua New guinea, and Australia. This is a particular challenge for Indonesia, especially when talking about issues such as the distribution of development, sovereignty, prosperity, separatism, terrorism, human smuggling, and so forth.

In relation to the handling of border areas, we can map a large number of issues including: 1. The lack of state presence. 2. Unsatisfied people in the border areas. 3. The Paradox of the approach security. 4. Socio cultural realities and dynamics of border issues. This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme on the prioritizing of the welfare and socio cultural approach in the border area management.

This edition of the Indonesian Update also raises several importante topics in the fields of law, politics, and social affairs. On politics, it talks about the cancellation of the subsidized fuel price hike policy and the prospects of the 2014 elections and the phenomenon of the National Democratic Party (Nasdem). On social affairs, it discusses three subjects: (1) the TKI Insurance; (2) the National Exams; and (3) the spearhead of the food security policy.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.

Happy reading!

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