The allegations of a mark-up in the purchase of six units of Sukhoi jet fighters from Russia by the Ministry of Defense, which was blown in the media by TB hasanudin, a member of the house of Representatives’ Commission I, have finally become polemics.
Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro (6 March 2012, Kompas) stated that the issues had been stirred up by disappointed people who fed information to the media, without first asking for a full explanation. This situation shows that there is a mechanism that does not run well between DPR and the government
This reminds us about the weak side of the DPR in exercising functions as the representatives of the people. After the amendment of the Constitution, the position of the DPR looks much more powerful that it is sometimes called heavy Legislative. however, from the other side, we will notice that in reality the DPR is very weak in running its tasks and functions. This edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme about the polemics over the purchase of the Sukhois and the weaknesses of the DPR.
The Indonesian Update also talks about several important topics in the legal and social affairs.. On legal affairs, it discusses some notes from Law on Villages; and the pros and cons about the Kosher Assurance Bill. On social affairs, it talks about student violent behaviour in elementary school and the idea of merging Indonesia’s time zones.
The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in the government and the business sector, academicians, and international think tanks get actual information and contextual analyses on economic, political, social, and cultural developments in Indonesia.
Happy reading!