Indonesia is a country of diverse religions and native faiths. People of different religions and native faiths have coexisted for many years in Indonesia. However, this does not rule out conflicts that occur between people of religion and native faiths. One of the conflicts arises regarding the establishment of houses of worship, which is regulated in the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 9 and 8 of 2006 concerning the Establishment of Houses of Worship.
The qualitative research (November 2023 – February 2024) of The Indonesian Institute, Center for Public Policy Research (TII) further discusses and evaluates the permit for the establishment of houses of worship in PBM 2006. This research also provides several recommendations related to the content and context of PBM policy implementation to facilitate the establishment of houses of worship and address the issues surrounding it, emphasizing the fulfillment of the right to freedom of religion and worship.