The March 2024 edition of the Indonesian Update highlights a main report regarding Indonesia’s digital economic policy during the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration. Digital economic transformation efforts are relatively on the right track. However, collaboration, synergy and cooperation between policy makers in different ministries/agencies are still very much needed to optimize the development of Indonesia’s digital economy in the future.
In the legal field, the Indonesian Update raises a topic about the situation regarding election internet content regulation, especially regarding the 2024 election period, the current situation, and the approach that needs to be taken to follow up on reports submitted during the 2024 election period. Furthermore, we also discuss the formation of a national legislation program (Prolegnas) 2024. It is hoped that meaningful participation will produce laws that are relevant and of good quality in addressing problems. DPR RI needs to work effectively and with integrity to immediately discuss the large list of bills that are still incomplete, as well as preparing follow-up actions to discuss the 2024 Priority Prolegnas.
In the political field, the Indonesian Update raises the issue of the use of Sirekap, which has sparked polemics and has the potential to weaken the integrity of the 2024 Election results. Next, we discuss the granting of the title of Honorary General to Prabowo Subianto in light of Law Number 20/2009 concerning Titles, Service Certificates and Respects, which is considered quite controversial in the society. Then, we also discuss the practice of manipulating transaction costs and strategic policies in Indonesia in the 2024 elections.
In the social sector, the Indonesian Update focuses on women workers in palm oil plantations and mining sectors. Even though female workers work as manual plantation laborers with a casual relationship status, female workers also play a role and contribute to these sectors. Next, we also discuss how the implementations of policies for a Waste-Free Indonesia 2025 still face challenges, including reducing plastic waste.
It is hoped that the monthly publication of the Indonesian Update with current themes will help policy makers in government and business institutions – as well as academic circles, think tanks and elements of civil society, both at home and abroad, to obtain actual information and contextual analysis about economic conditions, politics, social and law in Indonesia, as well as an understanding of public policy in Indonesia.
Happy reading.