The Indonesian Update — Volume XVI, No.8 – August 2022 (English Version)

The August 2022 edition of the Indonesian Update features a main report on the development of the deliberations on the National Education System Bill (RUU Sisdiknas). The draft regulation has been prepared to replace Law Number 20/2003 concerning the National Education System (UU Sisdiknas), Law Number 14/2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers (UU Teachers and Lecturers), and Law Number 12/2012 concerning Education. Higher Education (Higher Education Law). The bill is targeted for passage in 2023.

In the economic field, the Indonesian Update discusses the fate of the exchange rate of Indonesian farmers in the midst of global uncertainty. The farmers’ exchange rate is a reflection of the level of farmers’ welfare that must be maintained. For this reason, a mature policy is needed so that its implementations are right on target. In addition, we also discuss women in the capital market. The stigma that women are weaker and more sensitive because they do not dare to make decisions to invest in the capital market needs to be removed.

In the field of law, the Indonesian Update raises the issue of the emergence of an obligation for Private Electronic System Operators (PSEs) to register with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) causing problems in structuring digital legal regulations in Indonesia. Next, we discuss the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP), which has entered the final stage of deliberations at the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). However, hasty deliberations and even the tendency to ignore public input will also have the potential to disrupt law enforcement in the future.

In the political field, the Indonesian Update points out that the existence of three new provinces resulting from the division of Papua Province has several consequences, both politically and electorally. Next, we discuss the orientation of young voters ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous General Elections and Regional Head Elections. In addition, we also discuss the very small number of women who enter the presidential and vice presidential candidate markets. If we look more deeply, half-hearted political parties are the roots of the problem.

 The monthly publication of the Indonesian Update with actual themes is expected to help policy makers in government and business institutions – as well as academics, think tanks, and elements of civil society, both at home and abroad, to obtain actual information and contextual analysis of economic conditions, political, social, and legal issues in Indonesia, as well as an understanding of public policy in Indonesia.


Happy reading.

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