The Indonesian Update — Volume XV, No.7 - July 2021 (English Version)

The Indonesian Update — Volume XV, No.7 – July 2021 (English Version)

The July 2021 edition of the Indonesian Update features a main report regarding the polemics over the issuance of a Joint Decree (SKB) of the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), and the Attorney General, which will serve as guidelines for law enforcement officers to handle the cases of violation of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions, or UU ITE. However, the guidelines for implementing the ITE Law as outlined in the SKB have not been able to solve all the problems contained in the law.

The Indonesian Update — Volume XV, No.7 – July 2021 (English Version)

In the political field, the Indonesian Update discusses the importance of guaranteeing the freedom of opinion and expression in Indonesia today. This is reflected in the case of summons by the rectorate and the hacking that befell the activists of the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM – UI) after criticizing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). In addition, we also discuss the need for a new affirmative policy related to the efforts to increase women’s representation in the Parliament, after the failure of the revision of the Elections Law. Next, we discuss the Draft Law on Cyber Security and Resilience (RUU KKS). Strengthening cyber security must be a priority for the Indonesian government, given the enormous impact that cyber problems can bring.

In the social sector, the Indonesian Update discusses the vaccination program that the government and various parties still need to intensify. Because vaccination is an effective way to reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, as well as an effort to achieve herd immunity. Next, we discuss the urgency of discussing the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS), which is still in the drafting stage at the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the House of Representatives (DPR). The draft must be re-discussed from the beginning because it is not included in the carry over bill category.

The monthly publication of the Indonesian Update with actual themes is expected to help policy makers in government and business institutions – as well as academics, think tanks, and elements of civil society, both at home and abroad, to obtain actual information and contextual analysis of economic conditions, political, social, and legal issues in Indonesia, as well as an understanding of public policy in Indonesia.

 Happy reading.

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