The Indonesian Update-Vol.XII, No. 9-October 2018 (English Version)

The October 2018 edition of the Indonesian Update raises a main theme on improving the disaster mitigation system in Indonesia. This topic was chosen in light of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala. The article talks about Indonesia’s disaster management capability. This topic is important, considering Indonesia is situated above three tectonic plates, making it vulnerable to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.

On politics, the Indonesian Update touches on two issues; that is, encouraging the 2019 elections to be free hoax and black campaign and looking at the 2019 election campaign funds. The two political themes were chosen as the election campaign is predicted to face many challenges and problems, which some of them will involve political parties. The author introduces a number of recommendations in relation to fund transparency and good governance in the implementation of the 2019 elections.

On the economy, the Indonesian Update discusses digital economy that will bring benefits to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Indonesia is now in the process of improving the performance of its SMEs. The Indonesian Update also touches on economic issues as a magnate during political campaign in relation to the presidential elections in 2019.

On social affairs, the Indonesian Update raises a topic on the closing of prostitution areas and the rights of sex workers. In this article, the author talks about the health aspects from this police. It is likely that the spread of sexual diseases will become more prevalent after the closing. The second topic on social affairs is the service on mental health. This is related to the Mental Health Day on 10 October 2018. The third topic is the policy on electronic identification cards. Some marginalized people, such as people with AIDS.

The regular publication of the Indonesian Update with its actual themes is expected to help policy makers in government and business environment — as well as academics, think tanks, and other elements of civil society, both within and outside the country, to get the actual information and contextual analysis of economic, legal, political, cultural and social developments in Indonesia, as well as to understand the public policy in Indonesia.

Happy reading.

Download: The Indonesian Update-Vol.XII, No. 9-October 2018 (English Version)
